- Minimum Qualification :
Job Description/Requirements
Company Description
Filo is the world's only live instant tutoring app connecting students with expert tutors in less than 60 seconds for 1-1 interactive video sessions. With a focus on problem-solving and positive attitudes, Filo works 24/7 to make quality learning accessible for over 1.5 million students across 15+ countries. It boasts a community of 50,000+ tutors, making it the largest global tutor network.
Role Description
This is a full-time remote role for a K10 Maths SME (Gujarati) at Filo. The role involves providing expert guidance in mathematics to students, developing curriculum, communicating effectively with students and colleagues, and planning engaging and effective lessons tailored to individual student needs.
- Mathematics and Mathematics Education expertise
- Curriculum Development skills
- Communication skills
- Lesson Planning abilities
- Fluency in Gujarati language
- Experience in teaching or tutoring mathematics
- Strong problem-solving skills
- Bachelor's degree in Mathematics or Education related field
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