Resource Centre Employer’s Corner Solutions for Urgent Hiring: Filling That Position Fast

Solutions for Urgent Hiring: Filling That Position Fast

One of the employees holding critical roles in your company suddenly resigned? As a line manager or an HR professional, there is a desperate urgency to fill that position as soon as possible. Normally, quality talent is hard to find. When it is an urgent position, it becomes even more dire. Poaching doesn’t make things […]

solutions urgent hiring

One of the employees holding critical roles in your company suddenly resigned? As a line manager or an HR professional, there is a desperate urgency to fill that position as soon as possible.

Normally, quality talent is hard to find. When it is an urgent position, it becomes even more dire. Poaching doesn’t make things easier as millennials keep looking for the next best thing in an employer, hence making retention tricky.  As long as the position remains vacant, the business is losing money and precious ground in the market share and all eyes are on you to get someone qualified and experienced immediately.

How can you get quality talent in a short time? The following strategies might prove helpful;

Offset Some Transferable Tasks

solutions urgent hiring

This is the time to call on to the rest of the team in relevant roles to pitch in and help with some urgent tasks to keep things in the department flowing smoothly. Alternatively, you can engage contracted or freelance specialists in the area to hold down the fort as you look for a permanent fit. This gives you sufficient time to hire quality talent as the urgent tasks within the role are being taken care of and processes are running as they should. Also, the short-term hires could prove worthwhile and transition to the permanent replacements

Reach Out to Your Peer Networks

solutions urgent hiring

Recruiting through referral is one of the most efficient ways to hire. There is always someone who knows someone who can offer the services you need. You can develop a working employee referral program in your company where you reward employees who refer good talent to their managers or the HR department. Alternatively, you can reach out to your peer network for referrals for roles that you need filling. This might also mean that you have recruiters like BrighterMonday with rich talent pools. The BrighterMonday Pro Recruit solution is ideal for emergencies and quick turnaround. We advertise your job position, evaluate all the CVs sent by candidates and send you 5 qualified candidates that fit your criteria for that position within 5 working days. 

Shorten Your Interview Process

solutions urgent hiring

You need to hire urgently, so cut through the red tape and take only the necessary steps. This might mean outsourcing most of the hiring procedures to recruiters with demonstrable muscle, strong talent pools and the time to sift through applications for exactly what you’re looking for. BrighterMonday offers the Pro Recruit solution where an employer client gets 5 qualified and pre-screened candidates for a final interview and culture-fit assessment. On BrighterMonday, candidates are encouraged to complete their profiles at 100%, which makes vetting easier. This, therefore, means that if you need to recruit quickly, there are some ready CVs for you to choose from, which makes your work a lot easier.

Outsource the Recruitment Process

solutions urgent hiring

As you strive to keep things afloat in your department, you might consider outsourcing the whole recruitment process to a recruitment company to deliver your ideal candidate within a short time. Good talent isn’t always accessible and you might spend a lot of time sifting through mountains of CVs. Recruitment companies already have talent pools for different roles in different industries. For example, a job application is submitted on BrighterMonday every 17 seconds. The candidates often have a strong profile which makes it easier for employers to find quality candidates within a short time. 

If you experience sudden talent loss or a gaping skills gap, do not fret. Our Recruitment experts will provide the qualified talent you are looking for while you mind business operations. Contact us today for quick, quality and reliable recruitment solutions.

Doreen Mueke
Notification Bell