You just completed another application for the umpteenth time. You are sure about this, you did all you could before submitting this application. Now you sit and wait for the call, or a regret email.
No response.
Then wait some more.
Until now – the feedback is not forthcoming – you are losing hope now.
After a couple of weeks, you decide to move on. It is a sad reality that most companies do not give any feedback to candidates after job applications. Some applicants even wonder if the job sites even receive the applications. They get frustrated, and anxious.
To get more clarity on this, here are a few pointers you should know;
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1. You are not qualified for the role
The job advert read ”We are looking for a candidate with 4 years of experience for the role.” Your experience, on the other hand, is less than a year. What are the odds of you getting a call? The recruiter needs someone who is qualified for the job, and will ideally, select the most qualified professional. You have to be realistic to achieve your goal.
What to do: To avoid constant disappointment, only send job applications for positions you have the qualifications for. Constantly seek growth within your current growth whether in terms of training, academic progression or experience. It makes your future applications more fruitful and gives you a competitive edge. If you lack experience, seek internship positions that will expose you to the market for the experience. You can even volunteer where internships or entry-level jobs are not forthcoming.
2. Your career profile is incomplete
Thousands of applications happen online. Recruiters are aware that candidates’ online profiles can be deceiving and therefore become wary of incomplete professional profiles. Your potential employer will look at your BrighterMonday profile and expect it to match with the CV you sent. Inconsistencies might the reason the feedback is not forthcoming – and can cost you the interview opportunity. Other professional profiles like LinkedIn should also be up to date.
What to do: Be active in your professional circles. Employers are looking to hire self-motivated individuals who are hungry for growth. Update each career milestone on your online professional profiles to increase your relevance in the job market. At the same, time take care of your online presence to ensure it doesn’t jeopardize your chances of getting hired.
3. You have no idea what recruiters want
Jobs are getting competitive in the market. The higher the job level, the lower the number of applications and vice versa. For instance, an entry-level job advert attracts over 1000 individuals, depending on the job site used. If this application is broken down on a step by step basis, these are the chances. Over 200 individuals will start the process of application, with half the number completing the process. Out of the possible 100 CV submitted, 75 will be filtered out due to lacking qualifications or experience. Out of the 25 CVs that a human resource professional will look at, 4-6 individuals will be called for an interview. The list will go down to at most 3 being called for the final interview and 1 individual being offered the job. (Talent Function Group LLC)
What to do: Make sure your CV and cover letter is up to professional standards. The only way to stay on top of the group is to go the extra mile. Make your documents effective.
4. Your CV and Cover Letter are short-selling you
The harsh reality is that human resource professionals never get to view most CVs. Technology has lessened the HR’s burden by providing systems that screen applications based on keywords. Each job advert has a job description and profile of the ideal candidate they are looking for. If you are the kind of candidate that sends one CV for all job applications, this is probably the reason why that feedback is not forthcoming.
What to do: Read carefully through the job description in the job advert and use the same words in your CV and cover letter to emphasize your suitability for the position. The same goes for CV formats and presentation. Make your CV easy to get all the important information at a glance. Your feedback is not forthcoming because you are only doing the bare minimum to get through the application.
5. Even with all things right, the odds might still be against you
As pessimistic as that sounds, it is sadly true. With a working population like Kenya, where the demand from professionals graduating cannot be sated by the existing jobs, competition for existing jobs is stiff. Looking for a job becomes a job in itself. Human resource professionals stop looking through applications after they reach a certain number; unless they still haven’t found their ideal candidate.
What to do: Make your job search targeted. Conduct a research on your industry and identify companies you would like to work for. Make it your priority to go through job listings each day and immediately send targeted and customized CVs to companies you desire to work with. Sending early applications matter, so do not postpone sending applications for too long. Feedback is not forthcoming, yet. However, it is wise to constantly check the job listing to see if anything has changed and reapply.
Here Is Why You Should Be Giving Interviewees Feedback
t is almost the norm in the HR industry, not to give interviewees feedback after receiving applications or after conducting interviews. While it may not be possible to send feedback to every person who submits an application for a position, it is good practice to send feedback to those who make it to the interview stages. Some HR practitioners are even in the habit of not sending feedback to interviewees after taking them through several interview processes. No one wants to be the bearer of bad news but giving feedback is a step towards giving off a positive employer image. While HR departments are generally busy, it is good practice to send communicate as this is important for your reputation and for the organisation.
Here is why giving feedback should be an integral part of your recruitment process.
- It Leaves a Good Impression of Your Company

Interviewees are also potential clients. On the other hand, you are still in the market looking for talented people every so often and a candidate who has had a good experience is likely to recommend your company to a friend if you happen to have an open position in future. In some instances, an appropriate opportunity may arise for the rejected candidate in future and if your relationship ended on a bad footing, you may find it hard to contact them again or they may reject your offer. A failure to give someone a job offer should not end in burning bridges. A good impression is still a gain for your company so cultivate it by offering feedback to interviewees.
- It is a Show of Respect

An interviewee takes time to submit an application for a job and then attend an interview. All along, the person takes time to be prepared and package themselves as the right candidate. Even if you may not offer the person the job, in the end, it is important to give them feedback as a standard good practice as it shows that you appreciate and respect the fact that they created time to participate in the interview. The reality is that you need the interviewees’ skills and talent while they need the job and the relationships should, therefore, be marked a mutual display of respect and decorum, even if it does not end in a desirable outcome.
- It Gives the Interviewee Closure

Most HR practitioners assume that the interviewee will automatically know that they did not get the job after a long period of silence. However, this could hold the interviewee back as they may turn down another offer or fail to apply for another job as they hold onto the hope of getting the job, you interviewed them for. In most cases, interviewees may feel that the interview went well and be very optimistic, only to have their hopes crushed with a long period of silence. Therefore, make it known and clear to the interviewee at the earliest time possible, if you are not giving them a job offer, so that they can move on.
- It is a Good Way of Letting One Know What They Need to Work on

The standard practice is usually to give a standard response to interviewees often offers no insight on what the person may have gotten wrong. Well, if an interviewee has gone far enough in the interviewing funnel, it would be helpful to make it clear to them on where they went wrong so that they can work on it. This way, you help the person grow and this might be helpful in future if a position becomes available and the person finds the position interesting enough to apply for it. Just like how companies ask their clients for feedback so that they learn how to improve their services, it is also important for interviewees to know what they need to work on so that they can grow.
Giving feedback should be part of your hiring process. While being a bearer of bad news is not the best job in the world, a reputation for a lack of common courtesy is not the best reputation either. Candidates will be glad that you respected their time enough and helped them get closure by giving them feedback after an interview process.