The war for talent intensified in 2021 as recruiters sought to refill posts or fill new positions occasioned by digital transformation. It was a year that had hiring managers and professionals wondering how the future of work will look like.
This caused us to review the top 10 most popular jobs that had the highest applications in 2021 in our first Volume of the BrighterMonday Kenya Jobs Bulletin. Our research team also looked at the industries that posted the most jobs in the period.
The Bulletin shows that IT & Telecoms was the most popular industry with a high demand for jobs in the first half of 2021? What’s more, NGO and Government sectors posted the most jobs in the period.
The question is, how can today’s job seekers take advantage of this data to increase their chances of landing a job? Here are some tips from the experts:
Table of Contents
1. Research on skills employers are looking for today:
The world of work has changed and you need the relevant skills and knowledge to attract an employer. Trending soft skills such as communication skills, critical thinking and problem solving are attractive to HR managers. One way of sharpening your soft skills can be through volunteer work, internships, participation in Church events or religious groups or taking up activities in your space that involves more than three people. This can help develop your leadership, communication and problem solving skills.

2. Online articles and courses
You will also need to sharpen your technical skills in your area of interest. Hiring managers will want to know what you have been doing to prepare yourself for the modern workplace. Check out online courses where you can learn new skills or further your current expertise. For example, you can visit Google for Skills Africa if you want to learn more about digital marketing, machine learning and data analysis, among other skills. Additionally, ensure you read an article everyday so that you know what is happening in your industry.
What’s more, you can reach out to mentors who can advise you on how to grow on a personal and professional level and help you land your dream job.

3. Find out more on the latest hiring trends
It is also important to study hiring patterns to know what industries are hiring and in which months. Of course, some hire on a need-basis and you need to be on the lookout, but some may work with specific times in the year to advertise jobs. Moreover, our research shows that you should check the industries and roles that are mostly advertised and applied for to help you strategise when and how best to apply.
These are just a few steps to planning to get a job in the new year. Remember to also update your CV with recent developments or even get the help you need to create a stellar CV.
Above all, maintain a positive attitude, network and apply for the jobs we post on a regular basis.