Resource Centre Impact Initiatives e-Biz Kwa Vijana Project: Joycil Enterprise’s Digital Journey to Empower Dreams

e-Biz Kwa Vijana Project: Joycil Enterprise’s Digital Journey to Empower Dreams

Within the dynamic realm of business, where digital platforms are transforming market environments, youthful entrepreneurs are discovering novel ways to…

Within the dynamic realm of business, where digital platforms are transforming market environments, youthful entrepreneurs are discovering novel ways to broaden their influence and market reach. Zilpah Khasiro, the CEO of Joycil Enterprise, a youth-owned company that specializes in agro-processing, is one such entrepreneur. Zilpah’s story, which began with modest beginnings, is proof of the e-Biz Kwa Vijana Project’s transformational impact and the power of digital trade. The USAID-funded project sponsored through the eTrade Alliance in partnership with BrighterMonday Kenya, provides young entrepreneurs with the skills and information they need to harness business growth opportunities presented by online commerce.

The Vision Behind Joycil Enterprise

Joycil Enterprise focuses on peanut processing, including roasting, coating, raw, and peanut flour-making. They also process cassava flour, millet flour, and mushrooms, from their own cultivated farms as well as procure raw materials from local smallholder farmers. Joycil’s operations cut across the agriculture value chain, covering farming, processing, packaging, and local product distribution. With the appropriate technical assistance, Joycil is aiming to expand into international markets, specifically the United States, once they obtain the necessary certification.

Fashioned with a thorough understanding of the market, Zilpah has an ambitious vision. Her objective is to establish a facility that will function as the hub for collecting, processing, packaging, and distributing Joycil products. This clear vision necessitated the right resources and support to bring it to fruition, which is where the e-Biz Kwa Vijana Project played a pivotal role to increase reach and visibility.

The Catalyst: e-Biz Kwa Vijana Project

Zilpah’s involvement with the e-Biz Kwa Vijana Project began unexpectedly. “My niece sent me a link about a digital marketing program advertised by BrighterMonday. I found it intriguing and applied”, says Zilpah. This simple act of applying turned out to be a game-changer for Joycil Enterprise.

“I always had a clear idea of what I wanted to achieve as an aspiring entrepreneur,” Zilpah reflects, “but I couldn’t execute it as I had envisioned. I had planned to save up enough to open a physical store in Kenya, which would have taken a long time. However, this program gave me hope. The questions of where, who, and how to sell were instantly addressed. I didn’t have to worry about beginning with a physical store—I was reassured that I could start small and expand.” The e-Biz Kwa Vijana Project not only equipped Zilpah with the knowledge and tools she needed but also helped her realize that growth could be attained without the traditional limitations of physical infrastructure. Digital marketing and online trading became the key to unlocking her business’s potential.

Representing MSMEs on the Global Stage

Through Zilpah’s participation in the eBiz Kwa Vijana project and her stellar performance in applying the knowledge acquired, she was identified to participate and represent Kenyan MSMEs at the Ninth Global Review of Aid for Trade at the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva, Switzerland. The conference, held from June 26 to 28, 2024, brought together government officials, ambassadors, industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and representatives from global institutions such as the World Bank, IMF, Africa Development Bank, and our very own Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)..

Zilpah participated in a panel to discuss Export growth through the use of digital platforms and data, and MSME stories about AI, whose focus was on the integration of trade, food security, and digital connectivity. Zilpah reiterated that digital marketing and e-commerce are the key solutions for MSMEs in unlocking digital trade potential, and learned of the possibility for MSMEs to export across borders without being a member of any association, through focused support from logistics companies.

Zilpah’s main insight from the conference was the realization that no market is inaccessible, both domestically and internationally. “Digital is the way to go,” she affirms, already in the process of opening an account with DHL to facilitate their business growth as Joycil Enterprises ventures into the global market.

Calling for Support and Continued Progress

A supporter of MSMEs, Zilpah has suggestions for upcoming conferences and entrepreneurship programs. “I suggest that organizations support and develop favourable plicies and initiatives for MSMEs, particularly those entering the export market for the first time. They should also feature success stories of MSMEs on their websites for inspiration, with increased focus on training and digital infrastructure, especially in underserved areas.”

Based on her own experiences, she offers advice to fellow MSMEs: “Progress takes time, but it is achievable as long as giving up is not an option. I urge other MSMEs to continue applying the knowledge and skills they have acquired and to maintain consistency, as it is the key to achieving growth.”

The Journey Ahead

With the backing of the e-Biz Kwa Vijana Project, Zilpah’s aspiration to expand Joycil Enterprise beyond Kenya’s borders is well within reach. Her story not only reflects personal triumph but also illustrates the broader influence that well-designed programs and initiatives can have on young entrepreneurs. As Zilpah and Joycil Enterprise advance, they epitomize the inherent potential of every MSME, awaiting release through appropriate support and access to opportunities.

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