Resource Centre Job Search Advice Take Control of Your Career with BrighterMonday

Take Control of Your Career with BrighterMonday

Every January most of us make resolutions based on things we want to achieve or get rid of by the end of the year. Some of these goals are achieved, many are not. Attaining a set goal depends on whether it is achievable and reasonable, as well as your strategy to achieve it. This same […]

brightermonday premium profile

Every January most of us make resolutions based on things we want to achieve or get rid of by the end of the year. Some of these goals are achieved, many are not. Attaining a set goal depends on whether it is achievable and reasonable, as well as your strategy to achieve it. This same logic should be applied to the job search process. Most job seekers approach the process of job search far too casually, expecting to get a job in a week or two. With the current competition for available job opportunities in the job market, very few job seekers actually get a job within the first month of their search.

When looking for the job you want, the time and energy required to get hired should never be underestimated.  

Fortunately, BrighterMonday understands the complexities of the job market and wishes to give job seekers an opportunity to take more control of their job search and get results faster.

Presenting the BrighterMonday Premium Profile

When you upgrade to a premium profile, you get access to features that help you stand out, provide more visibility of your applications and basically give you full control of your application process.

Let’s take a closer look at these 5 features;

  1. Your Application is Highlighted to Employers

A typical job ad on BrighterMonday attracts an average of 150 applications from interested candidates. That is quite a long list for an HR professional to go through and your application, though suited to the role, may get lost in the pack. With the premium profile, your application will be pushed to the top of the list and highlighted to the employer. This means that you need to apply for jobs you qualify for so that employers see you as a fit.

highlighted profile brightermonday premium

     2. You Will be Recommended to Employers Looking for Your Skillset

Whenever an employer posts a job requiring your skills, they will see your profile as a recommended candidate for the position. This recommendation will show at a glance, your professional title, years of experience and highest qualification. Thus, you need to continually update your BrighterMonday profile so that your most current qualifications and experience are highlighted and recommended to the employers.

Recommended profile - brightermonday premium

      3. You Will Get Premium Alerts

Job seekers are usually advised to send applications as soon as they see them for a good reason. Once an employer posts a job ad, chances are they will keep checking the first few hours to see what kind of applications are streaming in. You will definitely want the hiring team to see your application before fatigue from tens of other application gets to them. Your premium account sends you alerts on email and SMS (if you are offline) immediately jobs matching your profile are posted.

     4. You Will Be Able To Track Your Applications

One of the most frustrating bit in the job application process happens right after you hit the ‘submit application’ button. The waiting, the hoping, worrying and more waiting. It would help if you could know how far in the process you were, right? Well, with a premium account, you can see if your application has been viewed, shortlisted or rejected, as well as employers who have viewed your profile.

track applications

     5. Your Complete Profile will Generate Your Professional CV

Once you complete your profile on Brightermonday, you have the opportunity to download a professionally designed CV for your applications.

brightermonday premium CV

Upgrade to Premium and Take Control of your Career

While you cannot control all aspects of your job search, use a premium profile to take charge of those aspects within your control and position yourself for better results.

Upgrade to premium and take control today.

Doreen Mueke
Notification Bell