Resource Centre Job Search Advice Characteristics of a Great CV to Help You Stand Out

Characteristics of a Great CV to Help You Stand Out

Do you think your CV can stand out from a pile? If the answer to that question is a no or maybe, read on to discover the characteristics of a great CV.

characteristics great cv

Do you think your CV can stand out from a pile and catch the attention of a hiring manager? If the answer to that question is a no or a maybe there’s quite the work to be done. Your CV should represent you fully to a hiring manager and give you an opportunity to meet the interviewer. Here are 10 characteristics of a great CV you should check your CV against;

It Grabs the Reader’s Attention

This is the most important aspect in a CV. Your CV should stand out from pile and intrigue the reader enough to want to read it. On average, a recruiter or HR practitioner takes about 7 seconds to decide whether or not your CV is worth their time. A great CV captures the attention of it’s reader right away.

It tells the Reader the Kind of Job You are Looking For

Your CV should immediately state the job and industry you are interested in. This information can be entered in the career summary section at the top of your CV.

It Establishes your Credibility

A great CV is a great ambassador. It shows why you are the best fit for the role you are applying for. It should point out the skills, experience and qualifications you have that make you right for the job.

It Paints Your Career Journey

A great CV chronologically paints your career journey in a way that the reader can see how you have grown in your chosen career path over the years and how the jobs you have done have contributed to who you are.

It Portrays your Awesome Written Skills

You are writing a CV to be read by humans. Aside from customizing and optimizing it to pass through HR systems, it should be appealing to read and flow smoothly. This is an opportunity to present your excellent written skills as well.

It Shows Understanding of your Talents and Skills

Self awareness is key. If you can understand your strengths and how they apply to a certain role, it takes you closer to that interview door. A great CV showcases your understanding of what makes you stand out and fit for the role you are applying for.

It is the Best Personal Branding Tool

A great CV is your personal branding summary and your career summary at the top is your branding pitch. If you have the generic ” I am seeking to work in ABC industry and make a difference” story change it today and put up a personal pitch instead. Something that quickly summaries your experience, skills and qualifications in under a minute. This is the same pitch you should use in professional gatherings when asked what you do. Get more ideas on how to craft that personal branding statement here. 

It Tells Powerful Mini Stories About You

A great CV will portray each encounter in your career journey as an adventure of facing challenges and conquering. Every role that you have and all the achievements you gain in your different companies painted in a way that shows why you are the best fit.

It is Customized for the Job

All jobs are different. Every employer who posts a job ad is looking for specific qualities in candidates that are ideal for that role. A great CV will take this into consideration and ensure it presents to the recruiter what they are looking for.

It Shows you as a Culture Fit and not Just Qualifications and Skills

A great CV presents you as a rounded and whole person, not just a bunch of qualifications skills. Companies look for both hard and soft skills in candidates. A great CV will showcase your soft skills alongside your hard skills.

Make Your CV Great

Professional CV Writers understand all the characteristics of a good CV and how to achieve them. They also understand the job market and can help you present those achievements that you are so modest about. Entrust your CV with a Professional writer at BrighterMonday today and see just how great it becomes.

Maureen Daisy
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