Resource Centre Employer’s Corner 3 Ways To Improve Your Rank On The Best 100 Employers List

3 Ways To Improve Your Rank On The Best 100 Employers List

Attracting top talent is every employer’s priority when looking to fill an existing position. The more talented people you have on board, the better the results posted by your company. One of the best ways to ensure that you are a top choice for the best talent around is to ensure that your current and […]

Attracting top talent is every employer’s priority when looking to fill an existing position. The more talented people you have on board, the better the results posted by your company. One of the best ways to ensure that you are a top choice for the best talent around is to ensure that your current and previous employees rank you highly as this portrays a good image about you and makes your company attractive. The best way to ensure that you remain top of mind is to be ranked in best 100 surveys carried out by reputable firms. Such surveys are usually anonymous and they give HR practitioners insights on what employees think about them and what they can do to improve their ranking. Here are a few pointers on how to rank highly in such surveys.

Conduct Regular Internal Surveys

To be a good employer, you need to know what your employees want and how you can help them achieve these goals. Do not wait for your employees to go and complain about your company externally. Instead, take a proactive approach by conducting internal surveys to find out what improvements would keep employees satisfied and as a result, keep them on board. For you to rank better in the best 100 survey, you must rank well internally as well so, carry out anonymous internal surveys occasionally. Such a proactive move ensures that your employees have a high opinion of the company.

Encourage Your Staff to Participate in Ranking Your Company

The most authentic industry surveys conducted in the job market are those where feedback is organically gotten from actual stakeholders like employees. The Best 100 Companies to work for survey by BrighterMonday is one such survey where employees give their candid opinions about employers in Kenya. The results of such a survey shapes the general perception of employer brands. Make your brand stand out by encouraging your employees to participate in the survey here.  

Get External Insights on Your Employees Experience

Some surveys conducted by external entities tend to get more candid feedback from employees in companies. Third party surveys can prove to be excellent sources of employee insights on general and specific workplace factors that affect productivity in the workplace.

Actively Involve Your Employees In the Company’s Affairs

A common complaint by most people is that they don’t feel like they are part of the organisation. Disengagement is one of the leading causes of poor reviews and high employee turnovers everywhere. In order to rank better in the best 100 employers’ list, you need to ensure that your employees are actively involved in the day-to-day activities of the company otherwise they will feel like they are simply wheels in the cog, creating a lot of internal disgruntlement. Engaged employees are happy employees and they yield good results for the company. Additionally, they think highly of their jobs and the company at large.

BrighterMonday Kenya is conducting its inaugural annual Best 100 Employers survey. To participate in the anonymous survey, follow this link.


Njeri Karanja
Notification Bell