Resource Centre Life At Work 4 Simple Strategies to Stay Productive When Working Remotely

4 Simple Strategies to Stay Productive When Working Remotely

Here are some simple strategies to help you stay focused on your tasks, increase productivity, and have a happier, more positive day as you work remotely.

How to Stay Productive When Working Remotely

Working remotely has its perks. You can make your hours, work from wherever you want, and enjoy the benefits of a low-pressure work environment.
But it also comes with its challenges. One challenge is staying focused and getting work done when you don’t have the social pressure of an office to motivate you. Working remotely requires discipline. This guide looks at strategies to strategies to stay productive while working remotely.

Here are some simple strategies to help you stay focused on your tasks, increase productivity, and have a happier, more positive day!

The Benefits of Remote Work

Working remotely has a lot of benefits. Many people tend to be more productive because they don’t have the social pressure of an office environment. 

Often, working from home or a coffee shop is enough to keep one focused and energized throughout the day.

Working remotely has its perks.

Remote work is also better for the environment because it spares resources by not requiring an office space or physical infrastructure. You don’t have to worry about commuting or renting office space.

Plus, it’s easier than ever before to find remote jobs. This is where BrighterMonday comes in and makes it easy for employers and employees to find each other regardless of location!

The Challenges of Remote Work

It’s not always easy to stay focused when working remotely. When you work in an office, you might feel social pressure to be at your desk or attend meetings, which can help motivate you and keep you on track.

But when you’re working remotely, it’s easy to get distracted by other tasks that seem more urgent than the task at hand. And when this happens, it can take longer to finish your work.

When you're distracted by other tasks that seem more urgent, it can take longer for you to finish the work you need to do.

The lack of social pressure in a remote setting can make it difficult to stay focused on your tasks. But there are ways to overcome this challenge and keep yourself motivated to work.

Strategies to Reduce Rudeness in the Remote Workplace

1. Create a personal space

Whether you share your office with others or work alone, it’s important to create a personal space where you can go to clear your head and focus on the task at hand. 

Create a personal working space

This could be as simple as having a desk in an empty room or setting up your laptop in another room while keeping your phone off silent.

2. Stay connected with coworkers through video chat

If you’ve got someone doing important work next to you, set up a video call to make sure they’re ok while still giving them the privacy they need for their work. 

When video conferencing with coworkers, there are a few things to keep in mind, such as looking presentable, prepared and eliminating background noise.

Stay connected with coworkers through video chat

3. Set boundaries for when you’re available for work communication

Sending emails or responding to texts or calls after hours is unnecessary and rude. When possible, have conversations about business needs before 6 pm so that your day isn’t disrupted after dinner time—and so that your children will have the chance to spend some time with their parents. Make sure to unplug from work at the end of the day.

4. Take microbreaks

Everyone needs a break sometimes–even when working remotely. So make sure you’re giving yourself some time off periodically throughout the day.


Employees who work remotely often face the challenge of staying focused and getting work done. 

To recap, here are some strategies to stay focused and increase productivity:

1) Create a personal space.

2) Stay connected with coworkers through video chat.

3) Set boundaries for when you’re available for work communication.

4) Be mindful of your energy levels and take breaks when you need them

To help you stay on task, try implementing some of these strategies!

Vanessa Njenga
Notification Bell